
  • Players
  • Format
    Groups (4 → 2) then Double Elimination
  • Game
  • Started
    July 5, 2017 at 6:10 PM CST
Organized by

Tournament Rules.

Map Pool

1.          “Control” map list contains: Ilios, Lijang Tower, Nepal, Oasis. 

2.          “Assault/Escort” map list contains: Eichenwalde, Hollywood, King’s Row, Numbani. 

3.          “Assault” map list contains: Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries. 

4.          "Escort” map list contains: Dorado, Route 66, Watch Point: Gabraltar. 

Best of 5:

1.          1st Game: Control map.

2.          2nd Game: Assault/Escort map.

3.          3rd Game: Assault map.

4.          4th Game: Escort map.

5.          5th Game: Assault/Escort map (excluding map chosen in the 2nd set).

OPC S2 P&R Online Qualifier - Group Stage

1.          The Initial Match’s first map will be Lijang Tower, the loser team will pick the next map follow above map type for the rest of BO5.

2.          The Winner’s Match and The Loser’s Match’s first map will be Oasis, the loser team will pick the next map follow above map type for the rest of BO5.

3.          The Final’s Match's first map will be Nepal, the loser team will pick the next map follow above map type for the rest of BO5.

In the case of a draw, a sudden death Bo1 round will be played on the Control Map: Ilios.





Custom Game Setting

1.          In each Tournament match, two teams will compete against each other by playing Overwatch on the Asia server operated by Blizzard. Matches will be played in the “Custom Game” mode and all game setting will be exactly the same as the “Competitive Play” rank rules.

2.          All custom game lobby will be created by the official OPC assigned admin based in Taipei, Taiwan. Teams must join the created lobby and wait until admin starts the match.

OPC S2 P&R Online Qualifier - Group Stage

6/20: All teams must check-in by 16:00 TST (Taipei Standard Time). Group stage will start at 16:00 TST. 5 sets of BO5 (all matches) in the group will be played.

Read all Rules:

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third



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